“Change Ukraine” – a new social project of ETERNA LAW with informational and organizational support from the Alumni association of the law faculty of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

The Law Firm ETERNA LAW and the Alumni association of the law faculty of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv are pleased to announce the launch of a joint national project for students of the Ukrainian universities.

The project aims to help talented and active young Ukrainians to gain experience in legislative drafting activities and allow them to join driving positive changes in the country.

30 project participants, who will pass the first competitive selection, will have an opportunity to create two bills or propose amendments to two existing laws with the expert support of the ETERNA LAW team with the involvement of industry experts and public figures.

Andrey Astapov, ETERNA LAW’s managing partner, comments: “Any country’s future always depends on the next generations, therefore we believe that it is crucial to support and invest in young people who aspire to change the country for the better. I am confident that our joint project will provide its participants with a valuable experience that will help them in their career development and will contribute to the development of Ukraine”.

Terms of Participation

1. 2nd-5th years students of the Ukrainian universities are welcome to participate in the project.

2. Based on the competition results, up to 30 participants will be shortlisted. They will form two working groups; both will either draft a new bill or work on amendments to the existing law.

3. To participate in the competition:

– Please register via the link before submitting your essay.
– The name of the word document should be formatted as follows: Surname_name (for example: Petrenko_Ivan).
– Please email until 8 March 2022 to сhanges@eterna.law a motivational essay in  Ukrainian on “Why do I care about legislative work and what I want to change in the life of the country” (up to 3 thousand characters with spaces) or propose changes to an existing law and motivate these changes (up to 3 thousand characters with spaces).

4. Groups will be working in online and offline formats.

Project Calendar

14.02.2022-08.03.2022 – application submission procedure

14.03.2022 – announcement of the results

March-September 2022 – online and offline training on the legislative process, working in groups, working on projects

September 2022 – submission of the bills to the relevant committees of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for further public discussion and registration

In Focus