ETERNA LAW team took part in the presentation of the research «Digital Tiger: the Power of Ukrainian IT – 2023»

Last week, ETERNA LAW team took part in the presentation of the research «Digital Tiger: the Power of Ukrainian IT – 2023» by the IT Ukraine Association. Even during the war, Ukraine continues its development as a powerful technological state and sets the trend for digitalization throughout the world.

In 2023, the IT industry became the second largest export industry, as it paid 11,5% more taxes despite a decrease in the number of taxpayers.

The analysis of Ukrainian IT on the global IT landscape in comparison with such countries as: Brazil, the Czech Republic, India and Poland, highlighted in the research, makes it possible to convincingly reflect the strength of Ukrainian IT and its potential for international cooperation.

Key results according to the research «Digital Tiger: the Power of Ukrainian IT – 2023»:

  • There are 2,150 active IT companies and 2,600 startups in Ukraine.
  • Despite the decrease in the number of taxpayers in IT by 3,1% – the number of taxes paid by the IT industry increased by 11,5%.
  • In 2022, the share of Ukrainian IT services exports in GDP was 4,6%. For comparison, it was 2,8% in India, 1,8% in the Czech
  • Republic, 1,8% in Poland, and 0,2% in Brazil.
  • More than 490 government services are already available online.
  • In 2023, 64% of Ukrainians used online services.

You can read the full text of the research by the link —



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