Ilarion Tomarov, Head of IP practice, became a speaker of IT-law course in Ukraine

Kyiv, 21 th September. Ilarion Tomarov, Head of IP practice, Senior associate of Eterna Law, became a speaker of IT-law -course in Ukraine, launched by the Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU). This is certificated program for IT-law, which is created qualitatively to improve the standards of IT-lawyers in Ukraine. The course is aimed on practitioners who want to learn the specific area of IT, as well as students of Law Faculties, owners and managers of IT-companies and will gather the best Ukrainian and foreign experts in the field of legal support of IT-business.

The сourse starts on 23 September and will last for 4 months. Classes will be held in Kiev and Lviv. Mr. Tomarov will conduct his lecture in the third module «IP in IT», his lecture is entitled “Copyright in IT. Software patents» on 28-29 October.

The area of IT-law is one of the youngest but still very promising. According to UCU, almost 70% IT-companies have qualified lawyer in his state. At the same time each year opens 10-12 new start-ups and companies in Ukraine.

Ukrainian Law Firms 2016. A Handbook for Foreign clients recognized Ilarion Tomarov as a leading specialist in the field of intellectual property.

According to the program, students will learn the issue of management of IT-business and its corporate structure, protection of intellectual property rights and contracts in the field of IT, cyber-crime and criminal-legal protection of IT-companies and legal support of IT-business in the EU and the US.

Ukrainian and foreign experts in the field of legal support of IT-business will introduce students to the course. Therefore, the basic requirement for applicants is affluent English.

General partners of the program is Sayenko Kharenko law firm and “Western consulting group.” The program is supported by Lviv IT-Cluster, Startup Depot, Lviv Business Incubator, iHUB Lviv, Axon Partners and the Ukrainian Bar Association.


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