Ilarion Tomarov, Head of IP Practice, participated in the legal kinobattle

Kyiv, 13th September. Ilarion Tomarov, Head of IP Practice of Eterna Law, participated in legal movie debate, which took place on September 12 at the cinema “Zhovten”. Organizer of the event – UBA Committee on telecommunications, information technology and the Internet.

Kinobattle is a new format of legal discussions where participants can talk over particular problem situation in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, but at the same time they try to defeat the opponent, using the whole arsenal of “legal weapons”.
Participants split into two rounds. The first came Juscutum managing partner Artem Afyan AG and Head of Intellectual Property Practice of Eterna Law Ilarion Tomarov. They assessed the legal actions in fragments of the film “Focus”.
Although Mr Tomarov had difficult task – to defend the villain, he withstood worthily the battle, and got 40 points.
The second round of discussions was based on the movie “Die Hard 4.0”. In this round Alex Zadoyenko, lawyer, assistant of the Department of Justice Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv participated and Yuri Kotlyarov, Partner of telecommunications in Juscutum.
The feature of the kinobatle was the jury, which would choose the winner. However, It will be announced later.

In Focus