Restrictions imposed on ‘unfairly traded’ imports – including antidumping and countervailing (anti-subsidy) duties and safeguards – have long been used not only to ‘level the playing field’ between domestic and imported goods, but also as a tool by which sophisticated companies manage their global competition.

Our services include:

  • Assessment of competitor business practices and unfair behavior with regard to use of brand-like names, unfair advertising, inducement and misleading of consumers
  • Issue of memoranda and legal opinions on unfair practices
  • Negotiations with the authorities on application of measures and initiation of investigations
  • Preparation of expert opinions and studies with regard to unfair practices
  • Representing clients in antitrust, anti-dumping and anti-subsidy investigations;
  • Monitoring of continuous compliance with antimonopoly laws
  • Communications with antitrust authorities
  • Obtaining of position letters or verbal explanations on various legal matters and policies
  • Consultations and setting up meetings with key high-level state officials
  • Conducting of joint industry discussions, round tables and seminars
  • Strategy planning, public relations and communications support on sensitive matters

Partner, Head of Corporate & M&A, Head of International Trade