ETERNA LAW welcomes new partner Yan Voinikanis-Myrskyi with the team

ETERNA LAW is pleased to announce that Yan Voinikanis-Myrskyi has joined the firm as a partner and will head two new practices – criminal law and public procurement.

Yan Voinikanis-Myrskyi is a recognized expert in providing legal assistance to public procurement entities and protecting clients in criminal cases with over 14 years of experience in legal practice and 11 years of experience as an attorney-at-law. Yan specializes in commercial and criminal law and procedure, has significant experience in representing the interests of legal entities and individuals in courts of general jurisdiction and protecting the rights and interests of individuals in the investigation of criminal proceedings. Yan also has significant professional experience in the application of provisions of civil, economic, administrative, and tax Ukrainian legislations.

Together with Yan, associate Valeriia Yatsuk and junior associate Anastasiia Zahorodniuk are joining the ETERNA LAW team.

Managing Partner Andrey Astapov comments: “2021 was a year of growth and development for ETERNA LAW. That can be explained, among other things, by our willingness to invest in the firm’s team development and our ability to see and anticipate trends. Last year, we welcomed two new partners – Timur Khasanov-Batirov and Andrii Trostin, who headed our new practices – compliance and GR practices, respectively. Our plans for the next year are even more ambitious, so we are thrilled to start 2022 with great news to share. Today, we are pleased to announce the addition of a new partner and the creation of two more practices – criminal law and public procurement. We see great prospects for both practices. I have no doubts that Yan’s experience will enable us to quickly and efficiently build strong and competitive practices that will make the firm even more flexible and ready for the challenges of the modern world.”

Partner Yan Voinikanis-Myrskyi adds: “I have been watching the development of ETERNA LAW for a long time and gladly accepted the offer to join the team. A successful firm with a well-developed internal infrastructure offers almost unlimited opportunities for development and comprehensive support, so I am confident that we have big projects and high-profile victories ahead of us.”

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