Interview with Andrii Rudnichenko, Junior associate of Eterna Law International Litigation department

  1. Why have you chosen Eterna Law for the internship and later, for the work?

The company has strong expertise in Litigation practice; it is possible to get good experience here. During the internship, I was pleasantly impressed by the fact, how my team tries to solve any situation,  – we have discussed any of the case, which allows to be personally involved in almost every project and it is very motivating. Thankfully, to the atmosphere and our team, I decided to stay and work for Eterna Law.


  1. What advice would you give to those students who eager to get an internship in the international law firm?

I would advise to listen to yourself and search for your best place. There are many firms and most of them can give a nice push to the future career of a lawyer. Do not get hung up on one firm, if it is not for you – it does not matter, because you can try yourself elsewhere and this could be even better solution. Moreover, if you realize that the only job you need is this one – your value as a specialist will increase and all the doors will be open for you.


  1. What was the most difficult and the most interesting during the internship?

The most difficult was the schedule:  there are too many projects, we wanted do everything ours best, that is why we felt a lack of time. However, this work often gives benefits and feeling of the victory, that can compensate all overtimes J In litigation, we met a lot of challenging and interesting situations that was difficult to imagine during studying in law school. Working on these situations allows accumulating a large amount of knowledge in a short time, but for the novice lawyer it is exactly what you need!

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