Position of repatriate. Homecoming

Latvia is the only ethnic territory, which is inhabit by the Latvians. Due to its favorable geographical position, Latvia has been often attacked by other nations and was subject to trends of assimilation.

Since the restoration of independence of Latvia, the Republic of Latvia supports the reunification of the people and urged Latvians, who are aware of their affiliation with Latvia, to return to their ethnic homeland. Legal rules, regulating the issue of repatriation, are contained in the Act of repatriation of the Republic of Latvia.

With the changes in the law, which came into force on 1 August 2016, the repatriate – a person who is a citizen of Latvia or a relative of which, in the direct ascending line is a Latvian or a person, who is voluntarily move to permanent residence to the Republic of Latvia. Thus, the “limit of two generations”, when repatriate status could be given to a person, who has at least one parent or grandparent with Latvian nationality, was canceled. Current changes in the law determine that repatriate status may qualify for all of the descendants of Latvians, regardless the number of generations, which means a wide range of individuals with the ability to obtain a permanent residence permit in the Republic of Latvia.

Getting the status of repatriate of Latvia, members of repatriate’s families also get a permission for a residence. In addition, not only the spouse of the repatriate, children and under trusteeship or guardianship of the person can apply for obtaining a residence permission. Also parents of the spouse of the repatriate who reached the specified retirement age or are at repatriate dependents and who have a joint life with repatriate for at least a year in the previous country of residence has been to obtaining repatriate status request.

To facilitate returning of foreigners of Latvian origin to Latvia, the law defines types of material assistance, which repatriate can get, including material support to help learning the Latvian language, the monthly unemployment benefit, payment of expenses associated with the return to Latvia. It is also possible for repatriate to get a living space belonging to self-government or the possibility of using the land for building of a dwelling house. In turn, if the repatriate is a person of retirement age, then he has the right to obtain Latvian old-age pension.

Documents to obtain repatriate status and request for a permanent residence permit must be submitted to a diplomatic or consular mission of the Republic of Latvia in the domiciliary abroad or to The Office of Citizenship and Migration of the Republic of Latvia, if the person is already in the territory of Latvia with a valid visa. Persons, requesting repatriate status are free from the state fee for the documents examination and related services. Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs provides a response within 90 days from receiving the documents.

The residence permit of the Republic of Latvia offers an incredible number of advantages, including the possibility of education, access to health services and the possibility of free movement within the territory of states-members of the Schengen agreement. Therefore, take a look at birth certificates or other documents to your parents or grandparents. Perhaps, you are the descendants of Latvians and you have an opportunity to obtain a permanent residence permit in the Republic of Latvia.

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