Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine has affected all spheres of our lives and caused significant changes in the national legislation of Ukraine. From the first days of russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the ETERNA LAW team has been providing comprehensive advices to corporate and private clients on issues related to the military industry and laws in wartime. Below is a basic list of services we provide to our clients in this area.

For corporate clients:

Reservation of conscripted employees

  • advising
  • checking the compliance with the criteria
  • document collection, development, and submission to regulatory authorities

Establishing business and partnership in the military sector

  • advising
  • choosing the optimal way of conducting business (partnership)
  • complete legal support of the business registration process (partnership formalization)
  • obtaining the necessary licenses and permits
  • legal support during interaction with subjects of authoritative powers
  • formalization of contractual relations with counterparties

Ensuring the business operation regarding mobilization of officials and officers

  • advising
  • legal support in the process of reservation
  • development of an action plan and documentation for its implementation
  • provision of legal assistance to mobilized employees

Business Relocation

  • advising
  • selection of the optimal relocation region (country)
  • business tax structuring
  • comprehensive legal support

Implementation of the sanctions compliance practice

  • advising
  • sanctions verification of separate agreements or counterparties
  • sanctions audit of activities, provision of recommendations to ensure sanctions compliance
  • development of sanctions policy and other necessary documents

Legal support of transactions for the supply of ammunition, weapons, and dual-use goods

  • clarification of the legislative customs rules and specifics of export/importing military or dual-use goods.
  • documentary support during permitting procedures
  • legal support in contractual activities with contractors
  • judicial representation

Reimbursement of the value of forcibly alienated property

  • advising and analyzing of prospects
  • preparation and submission of an application for compensation
  • judicial representation

Assistance in obtaining accreditation (certification) of demining operators

  • advising
  • checking the company’s compliance with national mine action standards
  • choosing an accredited body
  • preparation of a package of documents
  • interaction with regulatory authorities
  • continuation of accreditation

For individuals:

Advising military personnel and their family members on the possibility of obtaining free housing/land

  • advising
  • providing recommendations regarding the realization of the right to obtain free housing/land
  • development of legal assessment and formulation of further action algorithm

Advising on obtaining a deferment from conquistion for military service during mobilization

  • advising on grounds and procedures
  • assessment of prospects
  • reviewing the package of documents, providing recommendations
  • legal support in interaction with regulatory authorities

Appealing the conclusion of the Military Medical Commission

  • advising and providing recommendations
  • collection and preparation of documents
  • legal support for pre-trial and judicial appeal procedures
  • legal support and ensuring the protection of rights and interests at all stages of the appeal
  • representation in the military and judicial authorities

Advising on the movement and crossing of the state border by conscripts

  • advising
  • analysis of available documents and provision of recommendations

Assisting in collaboration with the Territorial Center for Recruitment and Social Support, as well as military command and control bodies

  • advising and providing recommendations
  • collection and preparation of documents
  • legal support in interaction with regulatory authorities

Appealing the decision of the Territorial Center for Recruitment and Social Support, as well as military authorities

  • advising and providing recommendations
  • collection and preparation of documents
  • representation in regulatory authorities and courts
