V All Ukrainian School of Alternative Dispute Resolution to hold in Kyiv

Kyiv, 10th October. Coordination Council of Young Lawyers of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine with the support of Eterna Law is pleased to announce V nationwide school of alternative dispute resolution. The event will take place on 22 October 2016 in the form of lectures and workshops on international arbitration and mediation, with leading practitioners as speakers.

Students will have an opportunity  not  only to listen the practically oriented lectures, but also to communicate personally with recognized experts in the international arbitration and mediation, to get advice on a career in the field of alternative dispute resolution.

ADR have become increasingly popular in recent years, giving the parties more opportunities for effective resolving the conflict. In practice, alternative dispute resolution can often save time and money of the parties in dispute.

Among the speakers are –  Eugene Blinov, Partner and Head of International Arbitration of Eterna Law, Markiyan Kliuchkovskyi, Partner of EPAP Ukraine, Sergey Uvarov, Senior Associate of Avellum, Natalia Bezhlibna, Associate of Asters Law Firm, CEDR mediator, Igor Semenov, FCIArb, Counsel of Eterna Law.

For participation in the School you should send a statement of purpose (up to 2000 words) on the e-mail arbitration@eterna.law.

All participants will receive certificates of attendance. For detailed information of participation, visit  http://www.krmj.org.ua/ or eterna.law 

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