Eugene Lukashuk, Partner, took part in Saint-Petersburg International Legal Forum

Moscow, May 21th — Eugene Lukashuk, Partner, took part in the biggest Russian legal event – Saint-Petersburg International Legal Forum, conducted in May 18th – May 21th.  

Mr Lukashuk participated in the discussion on the matter of signing on 13.04.16 “agreement on avoiding of a double taxation” between Latvia and Gonkong. In the context of the discussion participants talked about the possible prospectives for the clients and partners.

Each year St. Petersburg International Forum brings together Ministers of Justice, Chairpersons of Constitutional Courts, Secretaries General of international organisations, partners of leading law firms, head chief legal officers of major companies, representatives of state authorities and legal schools from over 80 countries.

In 2016 over 3500 delegates from 84 countries attended the Forum, including delegates from Australia, Argentina, Belarus, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Japan, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand, South Korea, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States and Vietnam.

Over 400 members of the media representing more than 100 organizations, including leading federal information agencies, TV and radio broadcasting companies, printed and online media, were accredited to cover the Forum in 2015. The Forum hosted over 30 media events. More than 20,000 people from 60 counties followed the discussions online.

Kyiv,  June 1st – ETERNA LAW is  pleased to announce start of cooperation with one of the oldest Ukrainian law universities -Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University.

Partnership will come into force on June 1th. Within the framework of cooperation, ETERNA LAW will provide possibilities for internship and further possible employment for students and graduates of the university and will conduct several master-classes on actual legal topics.

Cooperation with leading Ukrainian universities is a part of long-term strategy of a firm’s development.

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