ILF Eterna Law confirmed leading position in the industry of international finances in Ukraine

Kyiv, 6th of July. ILF Eterna Law was recognized as the best international firm of financial law in Ukraine, according to The Lawyers Worldwide Awards Magazine.

The Lawyers Worldwide Awards Magazine Global Leading Lawyers is created via a thorough, global poll of the readership, which asks the voting readers to put forward their nominations for those Lawyers that are, in their opinion ‘Leading Lawyers’ within their chosen area of specialisation.

The votes have been received and internally assessed by our Editors, and externally assessed by a panel of judges, who have been chosen for their experience and knowledge of the industry, and have been asked to provide a comprehensive list of those firms that are Leading Lawyers’ and in essence set the benchmark for all.

Previous qualifications of Eterna Law in this sector was confirmed by Acquisition International Financial Law. 


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