Oleh Beketov

LANGUAGES: Ukrainian, English, Russian


Oleh Beketov – Senior Partner and Head of International Litigation Department

Mr Beketov has over 20 years of substantial experience in doing both pre-litigation and litigation stages in the issues of debt collection. He specializes in international commercial arbitration and litigation, commercial and civil litigation, white-collar crimes and corporate law. Mr Beketov has substantial experience in resolving corporate and post-M&A disputes before LCIA and ICC arbitral tribunals.

Mr Beketov is frequently engaged as an expert on Ukrainian law in multi-billion disputes pending in national courts of different jurisdictions, international commercial arbitration tribunals, and international courts.

Before joining ETERNA LAW Oleh Beketov worked in Magisters, one of the major Ukrainian law firms; completed his internship at US Alston & Bird Law Firm. He also worked as an assistant to the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Legal Policy.

Oleh Beketov is certified in Anti-corruption compliance by First Law International.