ETERNA LAW’s criminal law team has more than 14 years of experience in defending rights in criminal proceedings, which allows to successfully defend the client’s interests. The practice has significant experience in protecting the rights and interests of citizens, public officials, and officials of companies and organisations in pre-trial investigations of criminal proceedings and criminal cases, and therefore can protect the client from abuses and violations of law enforcement agencies and courts. The main specialisation of the team in criminal practice is corruption and official criminal offences, crimes in the sphere of economic activity, and against property.

ETERNA LAW attorneys offer qualified assistance in dealing with law enforcement authorities’ requests, legal assessment of the legality, and legal reasons for summoning a client for examination, protection of client’s interests during the search, inspection, and other investigation actions, property arrests, appeals against actions and inactions of investigators and prosecutors, return of the seized property, preparing legal position in the case, clients’ interests protection strategies and immediate defence during pre-trial investigation and court proceedings.

Yan Voinikanis-Myrskyi, associated partner of the practice, is a recognized expert in the field of legal assistance to the subjects of public procurement and defending clients in criminal cases.

ETERNA LAW’s criminal law services include:

  • Providing legal assistance to witnesses at the pre-trial investigation stage and accompanying “factual” criminal proceedings (without serving a notice of suspicion);
  • Participation in investigative actions at the stage of pre-trial investigation (interrogations, searches, temporary access, responses to inquiries, etc.);
  • Protection of suspects at the stage of pre-trial investigation;
  • Protection of defendants in the courts of first, appellate and cassation instances;
  • Provision of legal assistance in extradition proceedings (extradition of a person upon request).

Associated Partner