Restructuring and bankruptcy

The expertise and many years of experience of our specialists in a wide range of restructuring and bankruptcy issues ensure an effective response to the financial challenges of clients. We advise and help in solving the following issues:

  • Solutions on financial restructuring.

We work together with clients, assessing their financial situation, developing innovative strategies and negotiating with creditors to restructure debts and improve liquidity. Whether you are a debtor in need of restructuring or a creditor seeking to maximize recovery, we work to find comprehensive solutions that meet your goals.

  • Legal advice on bankruptcy procedures and recovery of solvency.

Our qualified lawyers provide clear and practical assistance with issues of bankruptcy and insolvency, assisting clients with bankruptcy filings, negotiations, asset protection and restructuring plans. We protect the interests of our clients during all stages of bankruptcy and solvency recovery procedures.

  • Representation and protection of interests in court proceedings.

We represent the interests of clients in legal proceedings, including those related to the collection of problem debt and at all stages of bankruptcy procedures, providing reliable protection and professional service at every stage.

  • Cross-border restructuring and bankruptcy.

ETERNA LAW team concentrate on complex multi-jurisdictional restructurings and insolvencies with dedicated resources in the key European jurisdictions, in addition to having expertise in our practices in the emerging market jurisdictions.


Senior Partner and Head of International Litigation Department

Counsel, Attorney-At-Law. Head of International War-Damages Compensation Practice